Sunday, January 29, 2023

Rainbow Ishtar


Rainbow Ishtar

“Pride goes before destruction and the haughty spirit before a fall. “
(Proverbs 16 18)

If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)
We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)
The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.
Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.

God warns His people in the Bible of the goddess of sex,
Ashtoreth or Ishtar's power was sexual licentiousness.
The goddess’s lover Tammuz in the month of June,
This was the time and the season of summer solstice. 

Little girls became priestesses of Ishtar’s brothels,
The boys became male prostitutes dressed as women models.
Patrons could not tell between men and women,
They were filled with lust for either sex that crossed their vision. 

The goddess danced naked as she placated, sedated,
Her followers paraded naked, premeditated to make it sacred boundaries.
They break them parading sex behavior like Satan,
And wet bodies, writhing bodies in the heat of the summer. 

This ancient evil old sex of desire,
Made its disappearance again this time with American buyers.
In the month of Tammuz, thousands of years later,
The Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village built Ishtar up greater.

At the Stonewall gay bar in Greenwich Village there was a ruckus.
Police arrested a lesbian woman and riots erupted.
Transvestites made headlines fighting cops and setting fires,
As the Ishtar-possessed mob danced with the demoness’s desire.

In the heat of the dancing, they sang: “We’re the Stonewall girls.”
Demonically dancing they sang,” We wear our hair in curls.”
The dancing goddess possessed them in this demonic right.
Month of Tammuz, June 26 was the night.

From that day NYC (New York City) 1969,
The first gay parade started commemorating those riots.
Stonewall Inn gay riots began a movement to take Christian morals down,
And make us the U.S. of gay.

If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)
We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)
The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.
Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.

From 1974 the pride parade spread like fire,
Over the Western world dying now in a state so dire.
Every nation with pride flags over the nation's colors,
White House in rainbows, schools passing out rubbers.

They federalized gay sex for the entire month of June,
To celebrate sexual licentiousness and everything lewd.
Our Independence July 4th is only celebrated one day,
But the U.S. consecrated a full month for everything gay?

Every corporation, every store, every church must fly,
The cult of sex’s rainbow colors over your door or die;
Be harassed, sued, vilified, cursed and attacked.
You say, “Marriage is between a man and woman?” RETRACT!

But, did you ever wonder where this rainbow flag emerged?
Not surprising, Ishtar's color and the rainbow converged.
Manzat Ishtar was another name for her vengeful nature.
Legend says she turned into a rainbow to kill a boy who raped her.

The color of Ishtar’s revenge was now flying on this flag.
The ancient demoness was back from the ancient lands,
Conquering a Christian nation that used to fear the Lord.
“No more Bibles, Ten Commandments; no more Jesus,” they roar.

You can see we're now a pagan country dead to the Lord.
God's rainbow meant promise, not shouting pride with a whorde.
We dismissive, wicked, tripping, hissing, missing the mark,
Murdering babies, grooming children, killing marriages; it’s dark.

In 2003 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court legalized homosexuality as rule.
In 2013 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage rule.
In 2015 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court legalized gay marriage redefining God's rules.

On that night, rainbow lights lit up the Empire State,
Niagara Falls, Disney World, the White House followed in spades.
Are you kidding? All these things on the very same day?

June 26 of Tammuz, the summer solstice craze.
The exact DAY when Ishtar cast that ancient spell,
of man loving man, homo erotic hell.

If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)
We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)
The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.
Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.

Only turning to Christ can alleviate the hate,
The hating of God takes us to Hades’ gate.
Only Christ at his coming rectifies our fate,
Because his blood is the power to receive his Kingdom greatly.

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
Do not defile yourselves with any of these things.
By all these the nations are defined; which I am casting out before you.”
(Leviticus 18)


Monday, January 23, 2023

Thank You Father


Thank You, Father

Oh, Yeah! Thank you for the storm, thank you for the rain, thank you for the waves, thank you for the pain.

Thank you for the test, thank you for the hardships, thank you for the betrayals, thank you for the craziness. 

Thank you for the dark times, thank you for the doubting times, thank you for the hoping times, thank you for the hard times.

You led me to the right way. Thank you for the straight way. Thank you for the narrow road. You never left me alone.

When I was dying in my hopes, 

when I was dying in my cries, 

when I was dying in the morning, 

when I was dying in the night, thank you for those days. 

Thank you when you stayed while I prayed, and made me obey your way for me.

I’ll never trade the journey you made for me. I’ll thank you to the grave. I ride the wave as you play out the way you’ve paved.

With innocence, Lord, let me be the purest version of myself. Kenosis, let me empty myself and let your grace fill me, covering myself, overflowing, overriding, overdriving, overcoming, overseeing, overwhelming, overstepping my comfort zone.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but I condone the road and you make me grow and own the fight, so I can loan insights into the path to make me strong again, humble again, hungry again, loving again, falling down again, getting up again, fight the adversity once again, hands up again, driving in again, wrestling my demons again, pushing in again, feeling your love again. 

Sweating for you again, bleeding for you again, loving the storm again, embracing the war again, knowing that you’re victorious again.

I thank you Lord, I thank you, Father. Without you I’m nothing.

(Towards the Promised Land)

I think again and I can see you again. You are leading me again. I know you are with me again.

I was never alone. You guided me along this road to eternity.

I feel with Thee, I laugh with Thee, I cry with Thee, I see what you see.

I can feel your heartbeat. I can hear your voice, hear your laughter, take your chastisement.

I know you’re the wisest. You never forsake me now. You’ve never forsaken me then.

I can breathe again, lean on you again, dream your dreams again.

I can feel the heat of your tears again.

I can taste the atmosphere of your presence again.

I surge in joy again, like a surgeon purging all the evil again.

Your Holy Spirit fills my weakness with strength again, my cowardice with courage again.

My laziness with power to bend all the bars on this cage again. I burst out again.

I’m in your arms again flying with you on eagles’ wings again.

I thank you Father! You’ve saved me again.

Thank you for the storm, thank you for the rain, thank you for the waves, thank you for the pain.

Thank you for the test, thank you for the hardships, thank you for the betrayals, thank you for the craziness.

Thank you for the dark times, thank you for the doubting times, thank you for the hoping times, thank you for the hard times.

You led me to the right way. Thank you for the straight way. Thank you for the narrow road. You never left me alone.

You held me in your arms when I was a baby boy. You were always strong but smiled at me with so much love.

I remember sleeping next to you as a little child; my heart secure felt everything would be alright.

And as I grew, had trouble in school in middle and high, you let me train at the dojo; my first instructors bouncers at night, training my mind, body, heart and soul. You let my health be priority over grades at school.

You were so proud of my martial skills but you made me strong and humble. Still felt all the love a young man could feel.

When I was empty it is I you filled, when I strayed from God and tried to become a monk, and all the haters came out to dismiss me “he out to lunch.”

When I started preaching in that small church in Mapo, you were so proud your boy was serving God not Loco.

When you made me the king of the world, I had no words to say; just knew that it was grace and I’m unworthy.

When mama went crazy and split with all the money, your spirit guided us to survive, through the fire, the haters and all that wished us to die, expire.

You never forsook us, Father, King of Heaven and Earth. When I had all or nothing You made me believe and stay strong.

I thank you Father, for all You’ve given me; the sun, the rain, the joy, the pain, everything.

I thank you Father.

Thank you for the storm, thank you for the rain, thank you for the waves, thank you for the pain.

Thank you for the test, thank you for the hardships, thank you for the betrayals, thank you for the craziness.

Thank you for the dark times, thank you for the doubting times, thank you for the hoping times, thank you for the hard times.

You led me to the right way. Thank you for the straight way. Thank you for the narrow road. You never left me alone. (Twice)

Thank You, Father


 Who is HJ Sean Moon?

HJ Sean Moon was born in the state of New York in the USA. He holds a bachelor's degree in humanities and a master's in theology from Harvard University. He founded the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary", more commonly known as "Sanctuary Church".

Moreover, he conducts his pastoral ministry through Sunday services and "King's Reports", where he comments on current news from a religious point of view every day. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, teaches martial arts and self-defense, and holds training courses for the peace militia.

HJ Sean Moon is the son and successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, founder of the Unification movement, also called the Second King of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of God). In 2015, he officially published the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk.

The explanation of the structure of this future kingdom of God or celestial nation that will be established on earth, and which in Korean is called Cheon Il Guk, is directly related to the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk which, as has been said, was published by Hyung Jin Moon in 2015.

Furthermore, HJ Sean Moon preaching is connected to his personal history. 

Despite being the heir and successor designated directly by his father Reverend Sun Myung Moon, when he was still alive, HJ Sean Moon Nim was virtually supplanted by his mother, Hak Ja Han.


By Lucia Hadj Amar

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Red Eye Patriot


Stay vigilant oh ye patriots you're the only hope
to catch this country as they drive it into hell or for broke
only Jesus can save us from this crazy ride 
just remember he calls you to fight till the day that you die!

The vote is sacred it's critical, to representative government 
you get to choose who'll represent u in our system of government 
if you cheat, or suppress info that the voter desires
you will affect their final decision on who they'll choose to hire

After all the elected servants are not our masters or friends
we choose who'll serve us, conserve our values not swerve with the trends
cause in the end, we spend money and time to fight and defend
our principles and our values that we hold dear to the end

But 2020 was rigged, big tech and media played God
mail in ballots, stuffing ballots, Trucks with pallets of fraud
polls were spiking, numbers jumping, can't unsee what we saw
and what a surprise in the morning pedo Peter has won!

It doesn't matter if you love or hate trump he's just a man
the point is meddling with elections kills the entire land
our Land of freedom can exist only if the vote is fair
if you dont have a vote that counts you'll have a country that'll tear

Twitter censored the new York post and shut them down.
erased from Twitter so hunter's stuff wouldnt get around
laptop filled w crack, hoes and probably sex trafficking
making deals with Ukraine and China and da big guy profiting

This is giving the country over to our enemies abroad 
you might as well have the ccp be in the white house of fraud
the fbi raids maro largo but hunter can creep
The wicked have captured the country as we watch and weep

Stay vigilant oh ye patriots you're the only hope
to catch this country as they drive it into hell or for broke
only Jesus can save us from this crazy ride 
just remember he calls you to fight till the day that you die!

But Elon musk then bought the birdie and he's opened the jail
project Veritas, Trump and others have been released without bail
declassified the collusion with Twitter and DC
the feds have been caught red handed in treasonous conspiracy 

But for two years straight they attacked anyone that questioned this
they called us conspiracy theorists, and domestic terrorists 
they did the sedition and blamed it on you an me
cause we knew all along that these devils lie out they teeth

These politicians, sick of seeing these liars on TV
they should be locked up forever, and throw away the key
they steal the vote, and steal our money, spend it like it's free
they laughing as they get away with stealing this country from me

They vote to send 80 billion dollars to Ukraine 
meanwhile you struggle to feed your families with the dollar in flames
food and water, goods and services, prices going sky high
work your hand to the bone, shut up! we dont care if you die!

They steal the vote, the steal our money destroy our families and friends
dividing us with masks and fear and censorship and vaccines 
Elon, just one question, why'd you support chipping the peeps
we watching you close, betray us, and you'll sow what you reap

Stay vigilant oh ye patriots you're the only hope
to catch this country as they drive it into hell or for broke
only Jesus can save us from this crazy ride 
just remember he calls you to fight till the day that you die!

Who is HJ Sean Moon?

HJ Sean Moon was born in the state of New York in the USA. He holds a bachelor's degree in humanities and a master's in theology from Harvard University. He founded the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary", more commonly known as "Sanctuary Church".

Moreover, he conducts his pastoral ministry through Sunday services and "King's Reports", where he comments on current news from a religious point of view every day. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, teaches martial arts and self-defense, and holds training courses for the peace militia.

HJ Sean Moon is the son and successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, founder of the Unification movement, also called the Second King of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of God). In 2015, he officially published the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk.

The explanation of the structure of this future kingdom of God or celestial nation that will be established on earth, and which in Korean is called Cheon Il Guk, is directly related to the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk which, as has been said, was published by Hyung Jin Moon in 2015.

Furthermore, HJ Sean Moon preaching is connected to his personal history. 

Despite being the heir and successor designated directly by his father Reverend Sun Myung Moon, when he was still alive, HJ Sean Moon Nim was virtually supplanted by his mother, Hak Ja Han.


By Lucia Hadj Amar

Big Maga 20


Big Maga twenty, fight for the people who got them entry
Aye, McCarthy and McConnell got checked with all those fakes in the party
Aye, Dan Crenshaw called those who stood for the people "terrorists" you phony
Aye, big Maga twenty, you just exposed them rino commies 

Call me terrorist, call me fascist call me white supremacist
I'll take my kalbi, kimchi, chopsticks I'm a "hate speech" medalist
I go unedited, cause i inherited my daddy's blood to fight these narcissists
they can't stop us, so they silence, censor, and act like communists 

Politicians lie to get their power and form their little cliques
politics is a combination of the words "poly" and "ticks"
"poly" means more than one, a few, a group, or clique, 
and ticks are parasites that suck your blood till the very last drip 

Cause the Democrypts and reBLOODlicans have become a uni party
playing politics like pro wrestling, becoming an rich oligarchy
a rich group of elites ruling over We the People
stealing our money, funding Ukraine, making us, We the Sheeple 

These two faced liars, we the people, fed up with all their lies
we wanna see them arrested for their crimes and televise the trails
make em sweat in front of cameras and answer questions on Epstein isle
what you doing, repeatedly blackmailing the elites using a child 

Maga is for patriots who want America to be Great again
we don't worship Trump, the slogan is not make Trump Great again
he's a narcissist sometimes, NFTs frontin like superman
he's not infallible, not christ, especially when he pushin the jab 

But Maga is a movement where people said enough with this BS
you DC swamp hoes lie and steal but we smell your nasty trash
we the people are rising up to take this country back, you thieves!
all you do is lie, erode our rights, smile and deceive 

Big Maga twenty, fight for the people who got em entry
Aye, McCarthy and McConnell got checked with all those fakes in the party
Aye, Dan Crenshaw called those who stood for the people "terrorists" you phony
Aye, big MAGA twenty, you just exposed them rino commies

For 4 days, 15 rounds, Gaetz and Boebert led the pack
they demanded, give us consessions or we will not stop the attack
Pelosi could not be challenged because she changed the rules back then
but "single member motion to vacate" was the thing they needed to win 

It essentially let's a single member to call to vacate the speaker
so if they get the votes the speaker can be fired and changed
this is a massive check and balance that our founding fathers gave us
up till now DC erased these rules so they can have absolute power 

For 2 centuries, written by Jefferson, this rule was never modified
until demoness Nancy Pelosi decided to go on a power ride
she could not be challenged or vacated and could block all who decried
anything the Republicans tried to do was dead before it arrived 

but the Big MAGA twenty got us another concession victory
they're also guaranteed to vote on politicians term limits
this means if this passes these poly-tickans can't stay in forever
milking the system, getting millions selling our country to the highest bidder 

They also got McCarthy to promise on an open amendment vote
when a rep wants to get a bill passed it moves to the floor to vote
in the past Pelosi could pick and choose which bills get to the floor
but this open amendment vote allows any member to open the floor 

They also got a guarantee on a seventy two hour bill
which guarantees members of congress 72 hours to read the bill
for years these sellouts in DC brought giant bills to the floor 
without giving the reps time to read what the hell they were signing for 

Is it perfect? nah, there's no such thing when we talking politics 
until God's Kingdom comes and rules the world we unfortunately stuck with this
but these are small victories, Maga, to stop these crazy lunatics
big Maga twenty, hold the line, don't turn into POLY-ticks

Who is HJ Sean Moon?

HJ Sean Moon was born in the state of New York in the USA. He holds a bachelor's degree in humanities and a master's in theology from Harvard University. He founded the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary", more commonly known as "Sanctuary Church".

Moreover, he conducts his pastoral ministry through Sunday services and "King's Reports", where he comments on current news from a religious point of view every day. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, teaches martial arts and self-defense, and holds training courses for the peace militia.

HJ Sean Moon is the son and successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, founder of the Unification movement, also called the Second King of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of God). In 2015, he officially published the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk.

The explanation of the structure of this future kingdom of God or celestial nation that will be established on earth, and which in Korean is called Cheon Il Guk, is directly related to the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk which, as has been said, was published by Hyung Jin Moon in 2015.

Furthermore, HJ Sean Moon preaching is connected to his personal history. 

Despite being the heir and successor designated directly by his father Reverend Sun Myung Moon, when he was still alive, HJ Sean Moon Nim was virtually supplanted by his mother, Hak Ja Han.


By Lucia Hadj Amar

Short Intro about Hyung Jin Sean Moon

Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon is the youngest son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Hyung Jin Sean Moon named by his father as sole successor to his ministry in 2009 and earned a Masters of Divinity from Harvard University in 2010.

Following that, he held various positions in Korea. In April 2013, he moved to Pennsylvania, where he and his wife created the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary (WPUS).

Initially, worship services were held in his home. By May 2014, the congregation grew to the point where a dedicated building was necessary, and the ministry moved to a 13,600 square-foot former theater and Catholic Church in Newfoundland, PA.

Pastor Sean hosts "The King's Report," a three-hour YouTube broadcast Monday through Saturday that includes spiritual guidance and political and social commentary from a biblical viewpoint.

He has been a practitioner of martial arts from an early age and currently holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Since 2015, as leader of the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland PA, Pastor Moon has published "The Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk," which lays out the political framework for the future Kingdom of God on Earth.

Pastor Moon’s new book, based on a series of sermons given in 2016 and 2017, Rod of Iron Kingdom released in late June 2018.

"The Rod of Iron Ministries" and the "Gospel of the Kingdom" are at the heart of Pastor Moon's outreach to the body of Christ, based on Revelations 19:15 that the coming Lord will "smite the nations: and ... rule them with a rod of iron," which represents our sovereign Second Amendment rights as citizens, and that, "thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)

Lord Forgive Us Now


These cities burning, hate is surging God give us discerning 
cause we hurting and yearning for real biblical learning
Wise food for my soul that is twisting & churning 
in this quickening moment where all history is turning 

I'm dazed and confused the chaos building my fury 
as unrighteousness flourish in this land of opportunity, 
soon to be the land of misfits and lunacy, 
the country I love being divided so purposefully 

Its easier to shatter than keep the pieces together 
we rather gather and scatter our own blood and brain matter 
all over this land as we tear it up into tatters
so they can profit off the sickness and killings of war 
they score while we abhor what our kids will endure. 

(Killin them babies, while simultaneously fakin, 
like they saving the planet, while they making cash money.
Stealing they innocence, putting kids under scalpels,
 mutilating their bodies, while they making cash money,

Screaming for women, to hate marriage and family,
 spread your legs wide open baby, so they make they cash money.
Making you poorer, while cost of living is soaring, 
stop complaining, pay your taxes!, so they make they cash money

One seven seven six with blood their they paid
freedom, faith, family, liberty they made the way
With the red, white and blue we found a better day
We Cross the bitter seas from lands far away 

But that American dream is dying front of my eyes
To these commies, warmongers and pedophiles
They freakin rapin little children on Epstein isle
Gotta send em to hell or death row on trial 

Jesus said, harm the kids and lead em to sin
gonna cop a millstone get ready to swim
Cause the kids need justice tho you desecrate
Only God forgives you but here we castrate 

Demons and devils, using dividing and conquering, 
to perpetuate chaos, leading to spiritual weakness
As for me and my house, I will perpetually praise him,
with prayer unceasing, we will eventually defeat them
No weapon formed against me, no evil brought against me, 
no hate lobbed against me, these things shall not prosper
Cause The lord of glory is leading us into battle, blades out, 
find the snakes, cut the heads from the rattle

Oh we need you God oh we need you lord
From this terrible scrouge get us ready for war
To protect the rights you gave us with cross you bore
Only living for your glory, let us even the score 

Pouring all of your blood over all our sins
Only Jesus the Christ can help make our amends
Without grace, hell and death comes to murder us all
I've died and went to hell but through Christ I am loved 

I can't sit idly by as my country dies
While rich politicians like to wine and dine
Selling hate, black and white, enemies they say
And we swallow, race baited like a dumb down slave 

Anything to please the masters cause they claim to be gods
Made in their own false image frontin like Nimrod
The higher they build the harder Babylon falls
Cause they bones clothed in death, damnation for all

Lord forgive us now, forgive us now
We played with fire and danced with the devil way too long
Lord forgive us now forgive us now
We turn away from this evil and now we seek the truth

Who is HJ Sean Moon?

HJ Sean Moon was born in the state of New York in the USA. He holds a bachelor's degree in humanities and a master's in theology from Harvard University. He founded the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary", more commonly known as "Sanctuary Church".

Moreover, he conducts his pastoral ministry through Sunday services and "King's Reports", where he comments on current news from a religious point of view every day. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, teaches martial arts and self-defense, and holds training courses for the peace militia.

HJ Sean Moon is the son and successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, founder of the Unification movement, also called the Second King of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of God). In 2015, he officially published the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk.

The explanation of the structure of this future kingdom of God or celestial nation that will be established on earth, and which in Korean is called Cheon Il Guk, is directly related to the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk which, as has been said, was published by Hyung Jin Moon in 2015.

Furthermore, HJ Sean Moon preaching is connected to his personal history. 

Despite being the heir and successor designated directly by his father Reverend Sun Myung Moon, when he was still alive, HJ Sean Moon Nim was virtually supplanted by his mother, Hak Ja Han.


By Lucia Hadj Amar

Cult of Baalenciaga

Hollywood really is a cult o death
Balenciaga is messing with my head
They sexualize children no parental consent
Gonna burn in hell, please turn and repent 

Hollywood really is a cult o death
Balenciaga is messing with my head
They sexualize children no parental consent
Gonna burn in hell, please turn and repent 

Did ya know Balenciaga means Baal is king?
you know the evil Canaanite God that likes eating kids
Ye says he likes Hitler while he says Christ is King
but he defends the brand whose name means the opposite thing

They not gonna get away with all of this
Balenciaga photo shoots for pedophiles  fetish
Child porn on they minds in the corner of the pics
Photo shoots with kids, bears in bondage! you sick! 

There's only one cure for these psychopathics 
Pills made of lead chambered in 556
You digging your own grave with your evil fetish
Stay away from the kids, pervert 666

Hollywood really is a cult o death
Balenciaga is messing with my head
They sexualize children no parental consent
Gonna burn in hell, please turn and repent 

Hollywood really is a cult o death
Balenciaga is messing with my head
They sexualize children no parental consent
Gonna burn in hell, please turn and repent

You obey to the tee your Father of sin
The first pedophile, Satan the serpent
Started a servant, ended up in jealousy 
That God would love Adam more than He loves me!!!
Eve to be his helper not a servant for me!!!?
If I can't have the Kingdom then I'll take it for me!!! 

It's not about God its ALL about me
My power, my status, my joy, my glee
Grooming the kids so I can set them free
Free to do what? Why of course serve me! 

He tells ya. 

Have all the naked women you want
And all the money in the world
Buy your Prada, and Balenciaga 
I'll have your soul forever to devour 

Have all the naked women you want
And all the money in the world
Buy your Prada, and Balenciaga 
I'll have your soul forever to devour 

Baby dolls dipped in red in a bloody bath
Evil eyes, red leather, sick & blood stained hands
Acting hard when you're weak and you can't even stand 
To face strong men & women that's why you targeting lambs
You tripping on power so you targeting kids 
How you got paintings with organs spilling out them kids!?
You not hard you pathetic burn at Hades gate!
Burn baby burn you can't escape that fate 
You exploiting little kids, got caught pedo-gate
Only hell awaits you, no time to wait! 

Hollywood really is a cult o death
Balenciaga is messing with my head
They sexualize children no parental consent
Gonna burn in hell, please turn and repent 

He tells ya. 

Have all the naked women you want
And all the money in the world
Buy your Prada, and Balenciaga 
I'll have your soul forever to devour 

He tells ya. 

Have all the naked women you want
And all the money in the world
Buy your Prada, and Balenciaga 
I'll have your soul forever to devour

Who is HJ Sean Moon?

HJ Sean Moon was born in the state of New York in the USA. He holds a bachelor's degree in humanities and a master's in theology from Harvard University. He founded the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary", more commonly known as "Sanctuary Church".

Moreover, he conducts his pastoral ministry through Sunday services and "King's Reports", where he comments on current news from a religious point of view every day. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, teaches martial arts and self-defense, and holds training courses for the peace militia.

HJ Sean Moon is the son and successor of Reverend Sun Myung Moon of South Korea, founder of the Unification movement, also called the Second King of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of God). In 2015, he officially published the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk.

The explanation of the structure of this future kingdom of God or celestial nation that will be established on earth, and which in Korean is called Cheon Il Guk, is directly related to the United States Constitution of Cheon Il Guk which, as has been said, was published by Hyung Jin Moon in 2015.

Furthermore, HJ Sean Moon preaching is connected to his personal history. 

Despite being the heir and successor designated directly by his father Reverend Sun Myung Moon, when he was still alive, HJ Sean Moon Nim was virtually supplanted by his mother, Hak Ja Han.


By Lucia Hadj Amar

Rainbow Ishtar

Lyrics Rainbow Ishtar “Pride goes before destruction and the haughty spirit before a fall. “ (Proverbs 16 18) If we don't turn, (What?) ...