Rainbow Ishtar
“Pride goes before destruction and the haughty spirit before a fall. “
(Proverbs 16 18)
If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.God warns His people in the Bible of the goddess of sex,Ashtoreth or Ishtar's power was sexual licentiousness.The goddess’s lover Tammuz in the month of June,This was the time and the season of summer solstice.Little girls became priestesses of Ishtar’s brothels,The boys became male prostitutes dressed as women models.Patrons could not tell between men and women,They were filled with lust for either sex that crossed their vision.The goddess danced naked as she placated, sedated,Her followers paraded naked, premeditated to make it sacred boundaries.They break them parading sex behavior like Satan,And wet bodies, writhing bodies in the heat of the summer.This ancient evil old sex of desire,Made its disappearance again this time with American buyers.In the month of Tammuz, thousands of years later,The Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village built Ishtar up greater.At the Stonewall gay bar in Greenwich Village there was a ruckus.Police arrested a lesbian woman and riots erupted.Transvestites made headlines fighting cops and setting fires,As the Ishtar-possessed mob danced with the demoness’s desire.In the heat of the dancing, they sang: “We’re the Stonewall girls.”Demonically dancing they sang,” We wear our hair in curls.”The dancing goddess possessed them in this demonic right.Month of Tammuz, June 26 was the night.From that day NYC (New York City) 1969,The first gay parade started commemorating those riots.Stonewall Inn gay riots began a movement to take Christian morals down,And make us the U.S. of gay.If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.From 1974 the pride parade spread like fire,Over the Western world dying now in a state so dire.Every nation with pride flags over the nation's colors,White House in rainbows, schools passing out rubbers.They federalized gay sex for the entire month of June,To celebrate sexual licentiousness and everything lewd.Our Independence July 4th is only celebrated one day,But the U.S. consecrated a full month for everything gay?Every corporation, every store, every church must fly,The cult of sex’s rainbow colors over your door or die;Be harassed, sued, vilified, cursed and attacked.You say, “Marriage is between a man and woman?” RETRACT!But, did you ever wonder where this rainbow flag emerged?Not surprising, Ishtar's color and the rainbow converged.Manzat Ishtar was another name for her vengeful nature.Legend says she turned into a rainbow to kill a boy who raped her.The color of Ishtar’s revenge was now flying on this flag.The ancient demoness was back from the ancient lands,Conquering a Christian nation that used to fear the Lord.“No more Bibles, Ten Commandments; no more Jesus,” they roar.You can see we're now a pagan country dead to the Lord.God's rainbow meant promise, not shouting pride with a whorde.We dismissive, wicked, tripping, hissing, missing the mark,Murdering babies, grooming children, killing marriages; it’s dark.In 2003 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court legalized homosexuality as rule.In 2013 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage rule.In 2015 June 26 of Tammuz, Supreme Court legalized gay marriage redefining God's rules.On that night, rainbow lights lit up the Empire State,Niagara Falls, Disney World, the White House followed in spades.Are you kidding? All these things on the very same day?June 26 of Tammuz, the summer solstice craze.The exact DAY when Ishtar cast that ancient spell,of man loving man, homo erotic hell.If we don't turn, (What?) We're going to burn. (Preach)We keep pissing God off, we’re food for the worms. (Listen)The rainbow means promise not pride for pervs.Sex in marriage is sacred; sex outside is bringing hell to the world.Only turning to Christ can alleviate the hate,The hating of God takes us to Hades’ gate.Only Christ at his coming rectifies our fate,Because his blood is the power to receive his Kingdom greatly.“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.Do not defile yourselves with any of these things.By all these the nations are defined; which I am casting out before you.”(Leviticus 18)
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